The Little Things

The Little Things

Little things over time tend to become larger things. 

At a certain point when creating something significant we learn the importance of "sweating the small stuff".  The small stuff left unattended for long periods of time has the potential to become large stuff. ;) 

We all know, some very nice things come in very small packages.  So when you are working on something special, pay attention to all of those little details.  

So grateful for all you who have made the conscious decision to support local businesses this year.  Here at Artisan, there is so much that goes into what we do before you experience it.

So many details, so many boxes to check.   The amount of care that goes into creating something the fam and I are proud to share with your family is made possible because of all the little things... stitched together to become bigger things.

In just about every area of your life, making something "look easy" requires a tremendous amount of consideration for little things.  This season, go the extra mile, hold a door for someone else,  be generous with your time, and even with your praise. 

Remember, a little extra effort is a wise investment that goes a long way!

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